Developing an efficient and sustainable biomass supply chain in 5 European Nature Parks

BioEUParks welcomes new consortium member

February 9, 2015

After the withdrawal of the partner organization Pan Parks from the BioEUParks project, the partners are happy to welcome a new member to the project consortium. The “Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe", in short Europarc Federation, is based in Regensburg (Germany) and represents 365 members in 36 countries.
Europarc will take over work package five, which deals with all aspects of communication. Dea Mijakovac represented the organization at the last project meeting in Greece and introduced a new communication strategy. She was warmly welcomed by all partners and the consortium is looking forward to working with the new partner. As we are moving closer to retrieving the first results, it will be key to transport these to other parks and organizations. Europarc Federation with its large network seems very well suited for this.
For more information about the Europarc Federation projects, please click here.

Nike Hypervenom Phantom
Lunedì, Febbraio 9, 2015 - 11:45