Developing an efficient and sustainable biomass supply chain in 5 European Nature Parks

Messaggio di errore

  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in i18n_book_navigation_set_breadcrumb() (linea 226 di /home/au2m8645/public_html/sites/all/modules/i18n_book_navigation/i18n_book_navigation.module).
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Raising awareness and facing conflicts

One of the greatest challenges of the project is to develop a transparent decision making process, grounded on scientific data, information and risks analysis, which  lead to a diffused social acceptance and avoid conflicts.
How to start?
How  to plan events?
Who must be involved?
What are the information needed by citizens and local key actors?
How to develop the awareness campaign?
How to face conflicts?
To address these issues and to provide all the tools for proper handling of the issue, Bioeuparks partners drafted a stategy to plan and maintain a successful awareness campaign throughout a  methodology of meetings, discussions, sharing and co-planning  for overcome the social conflicts that can born in occasion of significant structural interventions. During each step of the project  a constant attention to participation sharing and co-planning activities was implemented.

Step 1

Awareness raising and preparation activities

This step is addresses mainly local community with the aim to aware and inform all  citizens on the themes treated and the main features of project. This action includes the producing and exploiting of informative material, including web site, the processing of public events and the exploitation of media.

Thanks to the propaedeutic value of this action, the knowledge on the matter will be implemented and an open and transparent communication channel will be open between supply chain promoters and locals.


Development of a local biomass supply chain

This step is the core of the entire project. While setting up a solid biomass supply chain for each park involved, an inclusive approach and transparent communication, which allow a real participation of locals to the decision making process, will be developed.

The main tools exploited will be the realisation of local Round Tables between project actors, representatives of parks and all local key actors. The Round Tables will lead to the subscription of Memoranda of Understanding between the same actors, committing all signatories to support the actions foreseen in the project, also with a long-term perspective.

Step 3

Capacity building and mainstreaming

This step aims at facilitating the implementation and managing of further similar initiatives, as defined within the previous actions, included the active participation to process of local key actors, as well as promote low impact approaches to biomass supply chain.

Improving knowledge and consciousness will help stakeholders (nature park managers, technicians etc) skills in governance of parks in general and in exploiting of solid biomass and conflict mediation.

Step 4

External Communication

The objective of this step is to disseminate “BIOEUPARKS” on local, national and European scale in order to make this initiative known and contribute to the debate on biomass production and its conversion in energy, included al issues linked with the environmental sustainability of such operations.

Meetings, social media, articles etc. will contribute to build a transparent and participated process.

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