Press Room
Bioeuparks events
Torino, 26 settembre 2015
BioEUParks sbarca a Torino e racconta a operatori ed esperti del settore gli obiettivi del progetto e l’esperienza del Parco nazionale della Sila nella realizzazione di una filiera corta di approvvigionamento di biomasse. Grazie, infatti, al cofinanziamento dell
Proseguono le attività del Parco nazionale della Sila per il progetto “BioEuparks”, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma ALTENER EIE (Energia Intelligente in Europa), che mira alla valorizzazione delle aree protette come modello per l’energia intelligente in Europa e
2 Aprile 2015
BioEUParks, le aree protette come modello per l'energia intelligente in Europa
March 15, 2015
The partners of the BioEuParks project continue their efforts in order to develop an efficient and sustainablebiomass supply chain in 5 European National Parks. According to the time schedule, next Monday and Tuesday, March 30 and 31, at the offices of the Park,
September 16, 2014
The next EUROPARC Annual Conference: "Understanding the value of nature", will take place from 28th September until Wednesday, 1st October 2014, in Killarney, Ireland. An exciting programme "Understanding the Value of
April 16, 2015
The third project meeting of the BioEUParks project was conducted successfully in the small village of St. Nikolai in the partner region of the Sölktäler Nature Park in Austria. With a biomass heating plant, a seminar room and a well-kept restaurant St. Nikolai
September 27, 2013
The second meeting of BioEuParks will be organized in Budapest November 7th and 8th. The meeting will take place in the Visitor Centre (Mt Sas-Hegy) of DINPI directorate, situated within a small nature reserve in Budapest. The accommodation