Developing an efficient and sustainable biomass supply chain in 5 European Nature Parks

Technical Meeting at Kozjansko Regional Park

Ready to start!
Team at the local entrepreneu's factory
Local entrepreneur in KRP

On the 24th - 26th November, Kozjsanski Regional Park (KRP) in Slovenia, hosted the last technical meeting of BioEuParks, a three days programme where partners shared their last achievements and planned the final months of the project. The working session was opened by the Mayor of Kozjansko Region and by the KRP Park Director.

A cold weather and a snowy landscape received the project partners who came from Germany (FNR and EUROPARC), Austria (SNP), Hungary (DINP), Ljubljana (SFI), Italy (Legambiente) and Greece (DUTH and RNP). On the first day, each Park introduced the latest updates on their supply chain development and the sustainable criteria used. Parks’ presentations are available for download below.

Each WP lead partner made a brief overview of the actions to be developed until March 31st, and guided the colleagues on the deliverables to be presented by the end of the project. Partners further discussed the national workshops and its main outputs, and discussed details on the International Mainstreaming Conference, which will be held in Brussels, in the first week of March.

Moreover, partners had the chance to visit the new biomass boiler of Kozjsansko Regional Park headquarters, and visited a local entrepreneur, which has been working locally with KRP, and actively benefiting from the BioEuParks project.

The last day was meant to visit the surroundings and get to know the main ecological and historical features of Kozjanski region.

A final technical meeting will be organised in Brussels, on the day before the International Conference.


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Venerdì, Novembre 27, 2015 - 16:00